- What are the advantages or disadvantages of a networked classroom?
- How can you slowly transition your classroom to become a networked classroom?
- How could a networked classroom address the diverse needs of all learners (sped, gifted, ESOL, etc.)?
In my experience, as well as in my research, I have to say that the single most important advantage of having a networked classroom is the opportunity to have complete student engagement in important discussions. Social media like Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook provide an effective way to enhance communication between students in regards providing an opportunity to have every one's opinions heard. Students who often would not participate in a classroom discussion have an easier time posting or tweeting their thoughts that help to create a more meaningful dialogue than what would be expected in a traditional setting. Although there are many other advantages mentioned by Richardson and Mancabelli, and I do believe that "none of us is as smart as all of us", I have found that getting total engagement from my students in my government class on topics that I want to check for understanding on means more to me than the collaboration piece of a networked classroom. However, all the things mentioned demonstrate why we should be striving for having networked classrooms, or at the very least networked lessons on a regular basis.
If there are any disadvantages to a networked classroom, I would say that students using inappropriate etiquette has to top the list. Too many times students often mistake my being "friendly" as being their "friend". In addition, many students do not treat others with the same kind of respect in an digital post as they would if comments were made in front of them in a public setting like a classroom. Also, there are still too many students who simply do not have access to the digital tools. Even though there may be a majority of students who know how to use a networked classroom to its full potential, all it takes is one or two students who do not have access and it can shut down an entire class. It is very similar to when you ask students to bring their books to class so you can complete your daily lesson and a handful of students do not have their book so you have to scramble to try and accommodate those kids....very frustrating.
In spite of all the advantages/disadvantages mentioned, there is no doubt that networked classrooms are the way of the 21st century. I think in many ways we have all already started the transition. We have slowly gotten rid of gradebooks, over-head projectors, televisions, and film strips while replacing them with smart boards, lab tops, and supplying the internet. Richardson and Mancabelli suggest starting slowly, and encourage teachers to embrace the failures that are sure to occur. I think this is the best advice to take. We have to change. There will be problems. However, there will be success as well. Every time I try and change a lesson from what I was doing (having students make a "silent film about the 1920's" and turn it in on a VHS tape) to adapting it to technology today (no film the movie on your iphone and post it on YouTube) it comes with some failures. However, it is always better with each year. Therefore, I embrace the challenge because I know the benefits will far outweigh the drawbacks.
In addition, a networked classroom has the potential to allow all students to learn and create at their own pace while accessing various tools that can enhance those students who need more images, visuals, and examples before completing their work. Having a networked classroom can actually accomplish the impossible task of differentiated instruction for each student for every lesson. As students have access to all these tools, they can seek endless assistance online by seeking out the very things they feel like they need to finish an assessment. Instead of waiting to ask the teacher for constant clarification, it will be possible for the students to take charge of their own learning and whenever they "don't get it" they can seek out assistance online (via chat, discussions, etc.) without having to rely on the teacher alone.